

"From the beginning, I was pleasantly surprised by their ideas, which were original and perfectly matched my business's needs. The team was always willing to listen to my requirements and responded promptly to any questions or comments. Their approach was not only professional but also very accommodating, which contributed to a smooth and pleasant collaboration. I recommend Digital Ant to anyone looking for a reliable partner in marketing. "

— David Greguš, Founder —

Keep your family's unique stories alive


Meemori is a mobile app made by one family. This family didn't like how the memories of the older generations—often unique and formative for the whole family—were gradually fading into oblivion when these were the most incredible gifts and experiences that deserve to live forever.

Just use the camera on your phone, you might say. But sure, you know yourself how hard it is when you start filming to immediately come up with questions that spark a narrative and develop a conversation. That's also why Meemori worked with a professional storyteller during development to create customized questions and activities for the app. These connect to a rich story that will relax both parties—the younger one filming and the older one with a story to tell—and help them enjoy their time together.

For Meemori, we came up with the name and designed all the branding. We helped develop the app's animations and wrote and designed the website. In 2023, we launched campaigns in the UK and US markets on Google, Meta, and TikTok channels, and now you can try the app in your store. (Links to the stores are on the website.)

In the US, with the UAC (app download campaign), we got a long-term CPI (cost per install) of 42.48 CZK for Android, which is an excellent result for the US market size!

Do you also want to create a memorable brand and run ads in English markets?

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